Sapienza University of Rome

DICEA | Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Rome
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Infrastructure and Transportation | Sapienza | University of Rome |

Road Materials Laboratory
DICEA’s Road Materials Laboratory conducts teaching, research and service activities toward the manufacturing, infrastructure owners and operators.
Teaching and research activities are developed in support of the teachings of Road Design and Construction, Construction Site Technology and Safety, and the Doctoral Program in Infrastructure and Transportation with purposes of both demonstration towards students and experimental development and industrial research; in this area, tests are carried out, both in the laboratory and in the field, according to current technical regulations or in specific ways dictated by technological progress.
Commitment to the study of innovative materials has led over the years to the definition of new products starting from the recovery of industrial waste materials (DURAMIX and BECOMIX: mixtures for backfilling subsurface excavations; CIC: catalyzed hydraulic conglomerate).
The Road Materials Laboratory operates according to art.
49 Del T.U. – R.D. No. 1592 / 33 and is an official laboratory under Art.
59 D.P.R. no.
380/2001, therefore it is a point of reference in the territory with regard to initial type tests and factory production control of aggregate and asphalt mix producers, it also carries out quality control activities of mixtures laid in place and regular execution of road construction and maintenance works.
The main activities carried out by the Laboratory are:
- Determination of physical and strength characteristics of stone aggregates intended for making asphalt and cement mixes;
- Determination of physical and mechanical characteristics of soils.
- Design and testing of asphalt mixes, cemented mixes, lime stabilizations, concrete mixes;
- Study of innovative mixtures containing industrial waste;
- On-site inspection of the quality of materials and proper execution of laying operations;
- On-site check of the regularity of the road profile and surface characteristics of the pavement;
- Support for the design and implementation of test fields (experimental embankments and asphalt paving).
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Spin-offs and "Third Mission"

Spin-off | Security 4.0
Sicurezza 4.0 is a start-up from the Sapienza University of Rome, born from the collaboration between entrepreneurs from the world of safety and faculty and researchers from the Faculty of Engineering, specializing in occupational safety.
The main goal of Security 4.0 is to create new Apps for the simplification and digitization of security services to be offered to the business world in order to improve the level of worker protection.
An additional goal is to encourage study and research within the engineering faculty to identify new technical and organizational solutions aimed at innovating the implementation of mandatory safety requirements by employers.
To this end, Safety 4.0 will initiate an activity for the development of innovative ideas by working groups composed of professors, researchers, Ph.D. students and thesis students through the establishment of a stable think tank on occupational health and safety.
Security 4.0 will also promote investment in scholarships on particular topics, to be awarded to the most deserving students.
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