University of Calabria

dr. Manuel De Rose | SIIV’s Trustee
+39 0984 496786
DINCI | Department of Civil Engineering
Ponte Pietro Bucci, Cubo 46b
87036 Arcavacata di Rende Campus – Cosenza
Web site:
PhD | University Headquarters | Link |
DICI | Civil and Industrial Engineering | University of Calabria - Cosenza |

Lab MAST | Road, Railway, and Airport Materials Research Laboratory
The Lab MAST has been working for more than 15 years in the service of Education, Research and Territory on issues related to materials for road, rail and airport use with specific reference to the topics proper to the scientific-disciplinary field ICAR04 Roads, Railways, Airports.
The teaching purposes are to be framed in activities to support the teachings provided by the Civil Engineering courses of study (three-year and master’s), the development of undergraduate and doctoral theses of experimental type.
In the area of research, the purposes are to be framed in experimental actions within research projects and cooperation in the field of environmental sustainability of materials for road and airport infrastructure, road safety design and management.
The service to the Territory is provided through technical-scientific consulting activities and third parties in compliance with Art.
49 T.U. – R.D. 1592/33 at the request of public (ANAS, Soc. Autostrade, Provincial and Municipal Administrations) and private Clients.
Lab MAST is to be framed, pursuant to Art.
59 Presidential Decree no.
380/2001, as an Official Laboratory capable of issuing certificates and test reports in accordance with the verification and quality control of construction products.
Scientific Responsible: Eng. Rosolino Vaiana
Web site:

Teaching Laboratory of Roads, Railways, Airports
This Laboratory supports the teachings provided by Civil Engineering courses of study (three-year and master’s) in the area of topics related to the scientific-disciplinary field ICAR04 Roads, Railways, Airports.
Web site:
Spin-offs and "Third Mission"

SOMOS Ltd. | Smart Oriented Mobility Solutions
Somos is an innovative startup and an academic spin-off of the University of Calabria that offers innovative solutions for mobility, transportation and logistics management.
Web site: