University of Messina

dr. Alessia Ruggeri | SIIV’s Trustee
Department of Engineering
Contrada di Dio Villaggio Sant’Agata
98166 Messina
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Civil, Environmental and Safety Engineering | University of Messina |

Road Infrastructure Laboratory
The activity of this laboratory lends itself to any moment of the realization of a road or airport infrastructure, from the moment of its conception to the actual execution phases.
In fact, the quality and reliability of the measurements guarantee higher standards that can be requested already in the special contract specifications and subsequently controlled on site with minimal time expenditures, useful for not slowing down site production.
Index of Penetration (CNR 24/1971 EN 1426, ASTM D5, AASHTO T 49)
Ball-ring Rolling Point (CNR 35/1973, EN 1427, ASTM D36, AASHTO T 53)
Fraass Breaking Point (43/1974, EN 12593).
Particle size analysis and Atterberg Limits (CNR 10006/1963).
Soil Density Gauge (in situ density of unbound mixtures)
Marshall (EN 12697-34, ASTM D1559, BS 598, NF P98-251, CNR 30/1973)
Indirect traction (CNR No. 134/1991, EN 12390-6, EN 1338, ASTM C496)
Gyratory compactor (UNI EN 12697-10, 12697-31; AASHTO T312)
Slab Roller Compactor (EN12697-33, 5.2)
Wheel Tracker (EN12697-22)
Calculation of Complex Modulus – Fatigue Test – Indirect Dynamic Traction – Four Point Bending Test: EN12697-26; ASTM D41123-D3497; AASHTO T 321-07-T 322-07-T 62-07-T 607-99-T 274; SHARP P07-M009-P46; NCHRP 1-28
Pressure Aging Vessel (ASTM PS36, D6521 | EN 14769 | AASHTO PP1, M320, R26);
Bending Beam Rheometer (AASHTOPP42 | AASHTOT313)
Automatic bitumen extractor (ASTM D2172 | EN 12697-1)
Ground Penetrating Radar (ASTM D6432-99)
Mobile Mapping System
Skid Tester (CNR 105/1985, EN 1097-8, ASTM E103)
Laser Profilometer
Heavy Weight Deflectometer (ASTM D4694, ASTM D4695)
PQI 301 (density of a hot bituminous mixture).
Driving Simulator
Eye tracker for monitoring eye movements
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