Prof. Andrea Simone, member of the Bologna office, informs about the organization of the event entitled: “C@MI – Course @lianextrim for Mobility and Infrastructure.”

The event, sponsored by SIIV among others, is configured as an International Course open to PhD students and will take place in Marne-la-Vallée in France, a town east of Paris in the Île-de-France region, in the period from June 24 to 27, 2024.
Il Corso è co-organizzato dall’Università di Bologna e dall’Universitè Gustave Eiffel di Parigi e rientra all’interno di iniziative congiunte del laboratorio condiviso LIA NextRIM su tematiche riguardanti le Infrastrutture Stradali e la Mobilità.
I temi che saranno trattati prendono le mosse dalle attività svolte nell’ambito sia del progetto europeo denominato CLEARDOC ( che dal MOST PNRR Spoke 7 del Centro Nazionale della Mobilità Sostenibile (
In particolare, il corso si articola in 4 giorni con attività seminariali riguardanti i seguenti temi:

(i) “Infrastructure Management;

(ii) “Safety and Transport;

(iii) “Human behavior in transportation.

A concluding session is also planned, called “FORUM @lianextrim“, where participating PhD students will be able to illustrate their research.
It turns out to be of great importance, for organizational purposes, that those interested should pre-register by May 15, through the completion of the following google-form, this is the link: gzkrdAFyemxRmKHS9 , a link also present on the attached flyer(by clicking here) where more information can be found.
Subsequently, detailed directions for formalizing registration for the event will be sent to registered PhD students only.

