SIIV | The 30th Anniversary of the Foundation

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The SIIV Board of Directors, under the chairmanship of Prof. Gaetano Bosurgi, strongly desired a celebratory event to mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Italian Society of Road Infrastructure.

SIIV, during these more than 30 years, has actively contributed to the growth of technical and scientific culture in the field of road infrastructure, in the national and international context, by means of teaching, research and other institutional activities.
Never, as now, has the “Roads, Railways and Airports” sector turned out to be essential and decisive for the economic and social development of our country, and the same is happening globally.
Recent events have shown that everyone’s contribution is needed for structural change in society, and the recovery plans envisioned by governments are a unique opportunity to improve our infrastructure.
It is not only a matter of preserving their functionality, but also of making them fit for the new challenges arising from climate change, the evolution of vehicles, the possibilities of using innovative and/or highly sustainable materials, and the digitalization that will affect all strategic systems including, in particular, that of mobility.

Thanks to the high scientific qualifications of its Members and their place in the context of international research, SIIV will have the opportunity to take a leading role in the development of these processes.
The renewed mission of the association will be to put itself at the service of the community, to be able to consciously face these challenges from solid skills and strong cultural foundations, especially to pass on to young people the best scientific and technical practices after a long period in which the contraction of vocations in our field has been observed.
We therefore hope that, this celebratory event, in addition to being a time to meet and reap with satisfaction the fruits of what has already been accomplished, may enable us to promote the revitalization of the discipline toward new and challenging goals to be achieved.

WHERE | University of Naples Federico II, at the Aula Magna “Leopoldo Massimilla” | Polytechnic and Basic Science School, Piazzale Tecchio, Naples.

WHEN | The event took place on October 21 and 22, 2021.

PROGRAM | Program available in pdf format by clicking here.

Friday, October 22, 2021 | The TRENTENNIAL

9.00 Greeting Addresses

Chairman: Prof. Gaetano BOSURGI | President SIIV

Letter of greeting from Prof. Salvatore DI MINO Cofounder and President SIIV | Biennium 1999-2000 | formerly University of Palermo

Prof. Francesco PIROZZI | Director DICEA, University of Naples Federico II

Prof. Stefano AVERSA | Director Dept.
Engineering, University of Naples Parthenope

Prof. Gennaro Nicola Bifulco | President SIDT

Prof. Vincenzo DEL GIUDICE | SIEV Advisor

Eng. Stefano ZAMPINO | President AIIT

Letter of greeting from Prof. Gaetano MANFREDI | Mayor of Naples

9.15 SESSION | The evolution of research: past presidents recount

Chairman: Prof. S. Damiano CAFISO | University of Catania

Technical-economic-environmental assessments in mobility infrastructure design strategies

Prof. Renato Lamberti | 2009-2010 | formerly University of Naples Federico II

The road protagonist in the process of territorial risk management (video contribution)

Prof. Antonino D’Andrea | Biennium 2005-2006 | formerly University of Messina

The evolution of recycling techniques in road and airport pavement maintenance operations (video contribution)

Prof. Maurizio Bocci | Biennium 2011-2012 | Università Politecnica delle Marche

Research and innovation in airport infrastructure (video contribution)

Prof. Marco Pasetto | Biennium 2013-2014 | University of Padua

Sustainable evolution of winter maintenance strategies for roads and highways (video contribution)

Prof. Felice Giuliani | Biennium 2015-2016 | University of Parma

Smart Roads: between the imaginative and the near future

Prof. Antonio Montepara | Biennium 2019-2020 | University of Parma

Below are video-contributions of the Past-Presidents’ reports:

10.30 SESSION | Roads, Railways, Airports: sustainable innovation

Chairman: Prof. Gianluca DELL’ACQUA | University of Naples Federico II

A “Road” to the effective use of data

Eng. Daniela Aprea | Head of U.O. BIM and Asset Management | Italferr S.p.A.

Information Models and Data Structures

Arch. Ernesto Sacco | Head of U.O. BIM | ANAS S.p.A.

11.40 GENERAL REPORT | SIIV: past, present, future

Introducer: Prof. Gaetano BOSURGI | President SIIV

General Report of Prof. Felice Ausilio Santagata | Honorary President of SIIV

Emeritus | Marche Polytechnic University

Below is the video contribution of Prof. F.A. Santagata’s general report:

6th SIIV Arena | The Winners

As part of the celebratory event for the 30th anniversary of the founding of SIIV, the 6th SIIV Arena was held in the afternoon of October 21, 2021, at Aula T1 of the DICEA of Naples Federico II University | Via Claudio 21.

The SIIV Arena is a discussion space in which doctoral students and young scholars from different academic locations illustrate their research on topics of specific interest to the Scientific Disciplinary Area ICAR/04 “Roads, Railways and Airports.”

In the 2021 edition, the Board of Directors resolved to award four prizes and give, to each, a cash prize of 500euro/each.

The young researchers enrolled in the SIIV Arena, whose contributions of all participants are featured at the bottom in multimedia form, competed for the prizes, which are awarded by anonymous voting and through a telematics platform by the registered SIIV members who are present at the event and in good standing with their membership dues.

The winners of the 6th Edition of the SIIV Arena:

  • Eng. Fabrizio MIGLIETTA, Politecnico di Torino, award for Best Experimental Activity;
  • Eng. Nunzio VISCIONE, University of Naples Federico II, award for Best Technological Impact;
  • Eng. Leonardo URBANO, Polytechnic University of Turin, award for Best Innovative Idea;
  • Eng. Cristina ORETO, University of Naples Federico II, award for Best Methodological Approach.

Below are the presentations of all the young researchers participating in the 6th SIIV Arena:


